Thursday, May 06, 2004
Panic Attack.
Panic Attack. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, it’s that I have too much to say. TV advertising in this country has degenerated into mind control experiments for the benefit of Big Agriculture, read ADM, Archer Daniel Midlands. As in Midlands, Texas, Big Oil, Bush The I? U.S. Big Agriculture is turning out way more food than we can eat. So through TV advertising of fast foods and snack foods we are eating ourselves into obesity for the sake of Big Agriculture. Stop over producing, or pedal your food some where its needed, there are plenty of places. But Big Ag can’t do that because why? Why? Because we, the ever fucked over U.S. Taxpayer, are paying Big subsidies to Big Ag to create our Big Asses? Authorized by our duly elected officials, of course. THROW THE BUSH BUMS OUT! Now, they want another $25 BILLION. Do these men have no shame? How can they be so very greedy? Do they think we are so stupid, that they think, they can get away with this embezzlement of government funds for their own profit. Our government is run by war profiteers, Big Oil (Cheney, Bush The I), Big Arms Dealers(Carlyle Group, Bush The I). Big Ag is a willing coconspirator, for its own profit of course. What are they trying to do? Bankrupt us? Another Depression, and Fascism will be in control. The way things are going we might as well live under Louis the XVI as Bush the II. Are we stupid or what? What can we do? Stop those agricultural subsidies today, for one. The third world will stand up and cheer en mass. We will finally start to make friends again. John Kerry, Big Ag may have Big Money for advertising but if you start taking world friendly stands, good for us fat slobs and them starving populations, word will get around to people who care about this country’s long term values, of which “First Strike.” is not one. If Bush had been able to learn any history, he’d have known that. First Strike is a very UNAMERICAN Value. See where it has got us now, looking down Iraqi assholes, thanks to George Walker Bush and “First Strike.” First Strike is a Nazi aberration. It is what Hitler did. Think about it. Bush The II is acting just like Hitler did before WORLD WAR 2. What does that tell you here. Kind of scary too? Want to see your children go up in smoke like all those Good Germans finally had to do. Stop this madness now. It has already gotten out of hand. Defang Bush and Cheney now. Please, Elliott, find something to indict Bush and Cheney for NOW! Should these men be reelected for another term? NO! Vote for John Kerry. Get everyone you know to vote for John Kerry. For God sakes, sign up now for your absentee ballot. Especially in California. It is so easy to have it arrive with your mail, fill it out in the quiet of your easy chair, and then pop it with the bills into the mail. No sweat. Just register for an absentee ballot today and vote for John Kerry in November.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Can They Stop The WEB?
Can They Stop The WEB? Philosophy is the first science, in which we define the values by which we wish to live and die, and by which we judge all our own actions. There are many philosophic approaches, one ancient one is the Platonic approach in which Abstractions Rule. Humanity comes second. We some times call this fascism, Platonic Fascism in the sense that government rulers think they know best, and that they can do anything they damn well please, come hell or high water, good, bad or worse, that they chose, but the rest of us peons have to tow the line. Follow behind the party, Nazi or Republican, the leaders know best. In a fascist state that means that if we don’t follow, we are unpatriotic, traitors, subject to silencing by harassment, and ultimately, arrest, imprisonment and death.
The Republican party has been seduced by the megalomaniac delusions of Platonic Fascism and been taken over by the American Nazi Party of Big Business. The Nazis in Germany, Britain, and France had sympathizers in high places. The German Nazi party had big industrial backers like Krups Steel, think tanks and airplanes. The German Big Business guys were really stupid. Why couldn’t they bother to think up a marketing plan that didn’t require blowing up half of Europe? Then for Krups it was: We’re not selling enough steel, gang, let’s start a War! Now for Bush The I and the Carlyle Group it’s: We’re not selling enough tanks, Kid, go start a war.
Can They Stop The WEB? That is the big question. That will be the defining question of our age. Can they stop power to the people from really happening through the web. It is dangerous to speak out against President Bush. People’s lives get ruined who speak out. Look at that diplomat, our rulers outed his CIA operative wife. Our rulers outed not only her, but indirectly all her contacts, as well. Who is ever going to talk to a US operative again? They have silenced Howard Stern’s criticism of Bush The II through the FCC. And now our rulers are trying to stifle dissent by silencing Michael Moore. Disney has been threatened with a loss of tax breaks for Disney World in Florida, run by Bush The II ‘s brother, Prince Jeb, if Disney doesn’t prevent distribution of Moore’s new anti Bush The II movie, Fahrenheit 9/11.
I said rulers, because I’m not sure who was really appointed unconstitutionally by the US Supreme Court. Big Arms Dealers(The Carlyle Group-Bush The I)? Big Oil(Cheney & Bush The I)?
Where have we gone wrong that fascist runs this country? It is OUR fault. We have been lazy, and too preoccupied with ourselves. What can we do when the Supreme Court acts unconstitutionally? Did the Supreme Court rule in accord with its long declared legal principals, or did they rule like political moles long ago put in place for just this eventuality, some Manchurian Candidate kind of packed court? Where can we sue the U.S. Supreme Court for acting unconstitutionally?
The United Nations is the only association of people that tries to be planetarily inclusive. No wonder the people who run the US for years having been starving the UN of our fair contribution to its running. If we paid the taxes we would be recognizing their right to collect. We would be recognizing a sovereignty higher than that of the ole USofAs. What an antiquated concept, the USofA, the 19th century invention of THE NATION. Before that it was all royal families warring, with peasant cannon fodder, and whoring, rather too closely with each other, interbreeding themselves out of existence? Or were they just doomed to go sooner or later, overthrown by invention. Now, will our Fascist Bush Family Dynasty be able to be overthrown by invention, or will fascism overthrow the web?
So, who can help me sue in the World Court the U.S. Supreme Court on the part of the class of American citizens who voted for Al Gore in 2000 and whose election results were not determined by counting their votes but by the essential appointment, unconstitutional by its own rulings, of George Walker Bush to be president? This was president by fiat, not by election. The United Nations Court needs to be petitioned. Who can help? Where are all those idealistic, no irony, lawyers when you desperately need them? Or has society bred them out, and left only the sharks? You tell me law school graduates? Law school professors? Would any law professor be willing to help with a petition to the United Nations World Court for a nullification of the election results for the U.S. Presidential election of 2000? Or would they find their own positions in danger for even supporting such a petition?
Complaint: We the citizens of the United States of America, who voted for Al Gore, want the elections results for the U.S. Presidential Election of the year 2000 nullified because they were unconstitutionally arrived at. The U.S. Supreme Court made an unconstitutional ruling under the terms of its own declared principles of decision.
Let’s set a precedent that confirms the authority of the United Nations over the United States of America. We are the people of the Earth, not the people of the historical accidents known as nation x or y. We are the residents and citizens of one planet. Not America first, but The People of The Earth first. I propose the United Nations become the seed for the evolution of World Government. To make this happened, and to make the Ole USofA live up to its own founding values instead of let itself fall prey to Fascism, we need to set a precedent, even if after the damage has already been done. We need to sue the U.S. Supreme Court in the World Court for our Supreme Court’s own unconstitutional actions. It is time for the baby boomers to find themselves, in the streets again, protesting for a United Nations World Court Review of the results of the 2000 American Presidential Election. Or are we going to let them stop power devolving to the people? Can They Silence The WEB? With A Microsoft Virus? Is it hackers, is it terrorists, or is it our own rulers behind web viruses? What world do you want to live in? Step up to the plate before the game is all over, except the killing fields. They always come in the end, from Nazi Death Camps to Palestinian Refugee Camps. Fascism ends in tears. No, Bush The II, you puffed up little twerp, you are not better, brighter or even stronger then the rest of us. But worst of all you don’t have a clue about how to run this country for the benefit of its people instead of the benefit of your family’s vendettas and bank accounts, and those of your friends. Give America back now. Vote for John Kerry.
The Republican party has been seduced by the megalomaniac delusions of Platonic Fascism and been taken over by the American Nazi Party of Big Business. The Nazis in Germany, Britain, and France had sympathizers in high places. The German Nazi party had big industrial backers like Krups Steel, think tanks and airplanes. The German Big Business guys were really stupid. Why couldn’t they bother to think up a marketing plan that didn’t require blowing up half of Europe? Then for Krups it was: We’re not selling enough steel, gang, let’s start a War! Now for Bush The I and the Carlyle Group it’s: We’re not selling enough tanks, Kid, go start a war.
Can They Stop The WEB? That is the big question. That will be the defining question of our age. Can they stop power to the people from really happening through the web. It is dangerous to speak out against President Bush. People’s lives get ruined who speak out. Look at that diplomat, our rulers outed his CIA operative wife. Our rulers outed not only her, but indirectly all her contacts, as well. Who is ever going to talk to a US operative again? They have silenced Howard Stern’s criticism of Bush The II through the FCC. And now our rulers are trying to stifle dissent by silencing Michael Moore. Disney has been threatened with a loss of tax breaks for Disney World in Florida, run by Bush The II ‘s brother, Prince Jeb, if Disney doesn’t prevent distribution of Moore’s new anti Bush The II movie, Fahrenheit 9/11.
I said rulers, because I’m not sure who was really appointed unconstitutionally by the US Supreme Court. Big Arms Dealers(The Carlyle Group-Bush The I)? Big Oil(Cheney & Bush The I)?
Where have we gone wrong that fascist runs this country? It is OUR fault. We have been lazy, and too preoccupied with ourselves. What can we do when the Supreme Court acts unconstitutionally? Did the Supreme Court rule in accord with its long declared legal principals, or did they rule like political moles long ago put in place for just this eventuality, some Manchurian Candidate kind of packed court? Where can we sue the U.S. Supreme Court for acting unconstitutionally?
The United Nations is the only association of people that tries to be planetarily inclusive. No wonder the people who run the US for years having been starving the UN of our fair contribution to its running. If we paid the taxes we would be recognizing their right to collect. We would be recognizing a sovereignty higher than that of the ole USofAs. What an antiquated concept, the USofA, the 19th century invention of THE NATION. Before that it was all royal families warring, with peasant cannon fodder, and whoring, rather too closely with each other, interbreeding themselves out of existence? Or were they just doomed to go sooner or later, overthrown by invention. Now, will our Fascist Bush Family Dynasty be able to be overthrown by invention, or will fascism overthrow the web?
So, who can help me sue in the World Court the U.S. Supreme Court on the part of the class of American citizens who voted for Al Gore in 2000 and whose election results were not determined by counting their votes but by the essential appointment, unconstitutional by its own rulings, of George Walker Bush to be president? This was president by fiat, not by election. The United Nations Court needs to be petitioned. Who can help? Where are all those idealistic, no irony, lawyers when you desperately need them? Or has society bred them out, and left only the sharks? You tell me law school graduates? Law school professors? Would any law professor be willing to help with a petition to the United Nations World Court for a nullification of the election results for the U.S. Presidential election of 2000? Or would they find their own positions in danger for even supporting such a petition?
Complaint: We the citizens of the United States of America, who voted for Al Gore, want the elections results for the U.S. Presidential Election of the year 2000 nullified because they were unconstitutionally arrived at. The U.S. Supreme Court made an unconstitutional ruling under the terms of its own declared principles of decision.
Let’s set a precedent that confirms the authority of the United Nations over the United States of America. We are the people of the Earth, not the people of the historical accidents known as nation x or y. We are the residents and citizens of one planet. Not America first, but The People of The Earth first. I propose the United Nations become the seed for the evolution of World Government. To make this happened, and to make the Ole USofA live up to its own founding values instead of let itself fall prey to Fascism, we need to set a precedent, even if after the damage has already been done. We need to sue the U.S. Supreme Court in the World Court for our Supreme Court’s own unconstitutional actions. It is time for the baby boomers to find themselves, in the streets again, protesting for a United Nations World Court Review of the results of the 2000 American Presidential Election. Or are we going to let them stop power devolving to the people? Can They Silence The WEB? With A Microsoft Virus? Is it hackers, is it terrorists, or is it our own rulers behind web viruses? What world do you want to live in? Step up to the plate before the game is all over, except the killing fields. They always come in the end, from Nazi Death Camps to Palestinian Refugee Camps. Fascism ends in tears. No, Bush The II, you puffed up little twerp, you are not better, brighter or even stronger then the rest of us. But worst of all you don’t have a clue about how to run this country for the benefit of its people instead of the benefit of your family’s vendettas and bank accounts, and those of your friends. Give America back now. Vote for John Kerry.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Just The Factoids, Ma'am, Just The Factoids.
Just the factoids, ma'am, just the factoids. “MAY 2004 ART news”, with a small n, showing the publishers’ ultimate belief in the ephemeral, minor nature of its content. The previous statement was a little theoretical communication analysis based on the message of font pictures. I fear the editors probably think differently. And, of course, they are right. You can learn alot from ephemera, like magazines. If nothing else, the ads can be mines of information about cultural beliefs and trends.
“The 10 Most Expensive Living Artists”. Wow. ART is all about money. Not the ten BEST living artists, by whomever’s judgment. No Art, with a Capital A, is all about Money, with a Capital M, because, in New York, Money is their only Value, with a Capital V.
There it is, in bold print on the cover, “Special Money Issue”. Isn’t that a little misleading, as if every issue isn’t a money issue? But every issue is a money issue covering who sold what to whom when and for how much. They cover the art auctions all the time. Is not that about money and status? It is not about art, it is about the business of Art. And I’m not claiming Art is not a business, nor that it shouldn’t be. As Mark Twain pointed out, every one writes for money. But too, because they want to be heard. To be heard, you have to be sold. You have to be sold, to be heard. At least you used to have to be sold. I can be heard for free, any place on earth. With the right equipment at both ends, I am connected. No one is paying me, I am my own editor. This has it’s benefits and shortcomings as everything does. So I can be heard without getting paid. It’s not about the money. But Mark Twain is right, everyone writes for the money. I’m just writing on spec.
“What Makes A Painting Worth $60 Million”. What makes anything worth $60 Million. A war in Iraq. No, that was 60+ Fucking BILLION Down a Black Hole and Blow Them Up Dollars, remember? One luxury private jet? Yeh. So you could get a private jet or a van Gogh, I’m presuming, since I haven’t read the article yet. Or how about using that sixty million to set up an endowment for the college educations of the natives of Harlem, or the Bronx, or wherever these people who have sixty million to spent on a picture would only be caught dead. So is it, one, decaying as we speak, picture, or one luxury jet, or, 750 $80,00 college educations, which will go on giving for generations? But doesn’t the painting go on giving for generations? Well, actually, no. It doesn’t go on giving. It decays, while education propagates itself through the generations until our extinction. I guess the question becomes what do you think will last longer, Us or a van Gogh painting? I hope that when we go extinct, the van Gogh will already be long gone and not be anything more than a electronic photographic infinitely reproducible copy. Will an electronic copy of a van Gogh be worth what ever is the equivalent of $60 Million then. Why is a picture, or something similar, worth what is an obscenely large amount of money now? Because humans who play the Art Market are in it for the status. More Money, More Status. Money equals Status in a society like New York that is without any other Value than Money. I know there are those out there who are going to jump right on the egalitarian band wagon and say Money makes everyone Equal. No, Money does not make everyone Equal. Money makes everyone competitors. And for success Cooperation, which has almost no place in free market capitalism, makes for long term societal success rather than the competition for Money which makes for short term individual success.
“When to Stop Bidding”. Yeh, like their readers have sixty million to pony up on a regular basis. How about $600,000 or $60,000? How about even $6,000? Not that the information in this article might not give one insight into the mind of people. It may be very interesting. But to present the story as if their readership was in the habit of joining the less then one half of one percent of the population who regularly shop at art auctions is more than a little toadying.
“Getting the Most Out of Donations”. So even Charity is all about the money you can accrue from it. This clinches it, it really is all about Money in New York, even when you are suppose to be doing something unselfish, it’s about how much Money you can make. I despair at the mind set of the Art mafia.
Grammar Note: Alot is not a word in my Webster’s. There is “a lot”. But there is a difference between “saying”, the sound of “a(long a sound) lot” and of saying “a(short a sound slurred into the following l)lot. A lot is a load of goods or a place. Alot is a large quantity of some thing. He knows alot (of things), not he knows a lot, down the street which is vacant.
“The 10 Most Expensive Living Artists”. Wow. ART is all about money. Not the ten BEST living artists, by whomever’s judgment. No Art, with a Capital A, is all about Money, with a Capital M, because, in New York, Money is their only Value, with a Capital V.
There it is, in bold print on the cover, “Special Money Issue”. Isn’t that a little misleading, as if every issue isn’t a money issue? But every issue is a money issue covering who sold what to whom when and for how much. They cover the art auctions all the time. Is not that about money and status? It is not about art, it is about the business of Art. And I’m not claiming Art is not a business, nor that it shouldn’t be. As Mark Twain pointed out, every one writes for money. But too, because they want to be heard. To be heard, you have to be sold. You have to be sold, to be heard. At least you used to have to be sold. I can be heard for free, any place on earth. With the right equipment at both ends, I am connected. No one is paying me, I am my own editor. This has it’s benefits and shortcomings as everything does. So I can be heard without getting paid. It’s not about the money. But Mark Twain is right, everyone writes for the money. I’m just writing on spec.
“What Makes A Painting Worth $60 Million”. What makes anything worth $60 Million. A war in Iraq. No, that was 60+ Fucking BILLION Down a Black Hole and Blow Them Up Dollars, remember? One luxury private jet? Yeh. So you could get a private jet or a van Gogh, I’m presuming, since I haven’t read the article yet. Or how about using that sixty million to set up an endowment for the college educations of the natives of Harlem, or the Bronx, or wherever these people who have sixty million to spent on a picture would only be caught dead. So is it, one, decaying as we speak, picture, or one luxury jet, or, 750 $80,00 college educations, which will go on giving for generations? But doesn’t the painting go on giving for generations? Well, actually, no. It doesn’t go on giving. It decays, while education propagates itself through the generations until our extinction. I guess the question becomes what do you think will last longer, Us or a van Gogh painting? I hope that when we go extinct, the van Gogh will already be long gone and not be anything more than a electronic photographic infinitely reproducible copy. Will an electronic copy of a van Gogh be worth what ever is the equivalent of $60 Million then. Why is a picture, or something similar, worth what is an obscenely large amount of money now? Because humans who play the Art Market are in it for the status. More Money, More Status. Money equals Status in a society like New York that is without any other Value than Money. I know there are those out there who are going to jump right on the egalitarian band wagon and say Money makes everyone Equal. No, Money does not make everyone Equal. Money makes everyone competitors. And for success Cooperation, which has almost no place in free market capitalism, makes for long term societal success rather than the competition for Money which makes for short term individual success.
“When to Stop Bidding”. Yeh, like their readers have sixty million to pony up on a regular basis. How about $600,000 or $60,000? How about even $6,000? Not that the information in this article might not give one insight into the mind of people. It may be very interesting. But to present the story as if their readership was in the habit of joining the less then one half of one percent of the population who regularly shop at art auctions is more than a little toadying.
“Getting the Most Out of Donations”. So even Charity is all about the money you can accrue from it. This clinches it, it really is all about Money in New York, even when you are suppose to be doing something unselfish, it’s about how much Money you can make. I despair at the mind set of the Art mafia.
Grammar Note: Alot is not a word in my Webster’s. There is “a lot”. But there is a difference between “saying”, the sound of “a(long a sound) lot” and of saying “a(short a sound slurred into the following l)lot. A lot is a load of goods or a place. Alot is a large quantity of some thing. He knows alot (of things), not he knows a lot, down the street which is vacant.
Monday, May 03, 2004
Where Did This Nazi Homeland Crap Come From Anyway?
Where did this Nazi homeland crap come from anyway? If I hear Walker Bush mention the homeland one more time I'm going to start believing it's 1934 instead of 2004 and start packing my bags and move to Amsterdam, until Emperor Walker Bush decides that Dutch freedoms are a threat to our national security.
But what's really weird is that Walker Bush cannot see that it's going all so wrong right before our very eyes. Southwestern Asia is blowing up, we struck the match by invading Iraq. And, we've ignored for the last twenty years, or more, the weapons of mass destruction program of the most bellicose and paranoid nation in the region, Israel.
Israel is run by people with nothing to lose, and heaven on earth to gain, like religious fanatics everywhere, and they are convinced that they are surrounded by people who want to exterminate them. Their own actions have made this self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are they so paranoid? One, because the reality of the founders recent experience, they were almost wiped out by the European Nazi's who did try to exterminate them. You have a nation whose political philosophy was shaped by victims of extreme post traumatic distress. It would be as if Vietnam War Veterans who suffered severe post traumatic stress were asked to rewrite our political philosophy. Would it be paranoid, or would it be paranoid? Two, because in fact they are the last occupying European colonialists, so of course the indigenous inhabitants revolted against having their land stolen by invaders. The Palestinians do want them to leave, and have adopted a philosophy supporting the destruction of Israel. I have no doubt that there are Palestinians who would like to see a Nazi Final Solution for the Israelis. But their are Israelis who talk about a Nazi Final Solution for the Palestinians as well, using that phrase, Final Solution, no less. Paranoids can only make enemies, or enemies of enemies, paranoids can never make friends. The Israelis have forgotten what they swore to never forget, de-humanizing any one, including Palestinians, de-humanizes them.
Note the ground of being is not now, nor ever was, a real estate broker. Israeli claims to this southwest corner of Asia based on the self-serving, people-made stories in the Hebrew Book are bogus. The Hebrews were savage nomadic tribes, read Ruth if you can stomach it. They weren’t there first, they came in and stole what land they could, as Americans stole this country from the Indians. It doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it a claim that is good for 2,300 years, just because you say: God said it was ours. So God tells me you are full of self serving shit.
And what is this Bush War going to do for us? First, it is creating another generation of young Americans with post traumatic stress syndrome. Get the VA hospitals ready. Or do you think a young soldier who loses four of his friends in battle is going to come home whole and happy. This is another benefit of the Bush War we can thank Walker ”I ran away from battle to booze it up in the states.” Bush for.
How ironic we invade Iraq because of a nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction Program, while we literally bend over backwards, or forward like those poor blighted Iraqi’s had to do, to support a nation with a real rogue Nuclear Weapons Program, Israel.
Apparently Walker Bush didn't get it when Colin Powell told him: "If you break it, you own it." History will make him own it. It will be George Walker Bush that started World War 3, just as Adolph Hitler started World War 2. George Walker "We'll all be dead." Bush may not care about history. But I'll bet Barbara Bush cares, and now her idiot son has started World War 3. She should have stepped in and had him bypassed for monarchial selection. This is the problem with primogenitor, first takes all, it’s not only unfair, it’s a stupid rule. You end up with stupid people in charge. You end with a Walkerbush in charge.
But what's really weird is that Walker Bush cannot see that it's going all so wrong right before our very eyes. Southwestern Asia is blowing up, we struck the match by invading Iraq. And, we've ignored for the last twenty years, or more, the weapons of mass destruction program of the most bellicose and paranoid nation in the region, Israel.
Israel is run by people with nothing to lose, and heaven on earth to gain, like religious fanatics everywhere, and they are convinced that they are surrounded by people who want to exterminate them. Their own actions have made this self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are they so paranoid? One, because the reality of the founders recent experience, they were almost wiped out by the European Nazi's who did try to exterminate them. You have a nation whose political philosophy was shaped by victims of extreme post traumatic distress. It would be as if Vietnam War Veterans who suffered severe post traumatic stress were asked to rewrite our political philosophy. Would it be paranoid, or would it be paranoid? Two, because in fact they are the last occupying European colonialists, so of course the indigenous inhabitants revolted against having their land stolen by invaders. The Palestinians do want them to leave, and have adopted a philosophy supporting the destruction of Israel. I have no doubt that there are Palestinians who would like to see a Nazi Final Solution for the Israelis. But their are Israelis who talk about a Nazi Final Solution for the Palestinians as well, using that phrase, Final Solution, no less. Paranoids can only make enemies, or enemies of enemies, paranoids can never make friends. The Israelis have forgotten what they swore to never forget, de-humanizing any one, including Palestinians, de-humanizes them.
Note the ground of being is not now, nor ever was, a real estate broker. Israeli claims to this southwest corner of Asia based on the self-serving, people-made stories in the Hebrew Book are bogus. The Hebrews were savage nomadic tribes, read Ruth if you can stomach it. They weren’t there first, they came in and stole what land they could, as Americans stole this country from the Indians. It doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it a claim that is good for 2,300 years, just because you say: God said it was ours. So God tells me you are full of self serving shit.
And what is this Bush War going to do for us? First, it is creating another generation of young Americans with post traumatic stress syndrome. Get the VA hospitals ready. Or do you think a young soldier who loses four of his friends in battle is going to come home whole and happy. This is another benefit of the Bush War we can thank Walker ”I ran away from battle to booze it up in the states.” Bush for.
How ironic we invade Iraq because of a nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction Program, while we literally bend over backwards, or forward like those poor blighted Iraqi’s had to do, to support a nation with a real rogue Nuclear Weapons Program, Israel.
Apparently Walker Bush didn't get it when Colin Powell told him: "If you break it, you own it." History will make him own it. It will be George Walker Bush that started World War 3, just as Adolph Hitler started World War 2. George Walker "We'll all be dead." Bush may not care about history. But I'll bet Barbara Bush cares, and now her idiot son has started World War 3. She should have stepped in and had him bypassed for monarchial selection. This is the problem with primogenitor, first takes all, it’s not only unfair, it’s a stupid rule. You end up with stupid people in charge. You end with a Walkerbush in charge.