
Monday, May 10, 2004

Impeach Bush. 

Memo to The U.S. Senate: Impeach Bush Today. We have been shamed and humilated by our U.S. Supreme Court chosen President. Impeach the Bushtard, he was never rightly President to begin with. The Bushtard stole the U.S. presidency, the responsible Supremes should resign too. Impeach George Walker Bush NOW. Vote to skip the hearings and go straight to a floor vote. No one is going to stand up for sexual perversion, it will be 100% for impeachemnt. Signed Every Ashamed and Humilated American. P.S.: Don't forget to impeach Cheney first. P.S.S. Now we know what they have been doing in Guantanamo for the past two years, developing sexually sadistic interrogation techniques.

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